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Sunday, December 20, 2020


 So, the ridiculous Trudeau has appointed a Cree Language Commissioner.  OMG!  Why!?  Next, he'll be declaring it one of our official languages!  But what about the hundreds of other native languages?  They'll all be screaming they need  commissioners too!!

Being an official language means getting money, so that's what it's all about, folks:  Moola!

Some days there aren't enough exclamation points on the keyboard for what I have to say.  And here's another exclamation point:  Rosemary Barton has been handed THREE HOURS of blathering time on CBC on Sunday mornings.  THREE HOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Contrarian-in-chief Catherine Tait is the culprit.  As you know, I used to babysit Tait and she was a spoiled brat back then.  Obviously remains one.  

"Ms. Tait, don't you think three hours for one person is a little much?" some minion might have dared posit.  "No, in that case, she's getting the show," Tait would have dug in, doubled down and said.  And let's not forget that this president of the CBC lives in.....wait for it.....calmly sit down......New Jersey!!!!!!!!  Again, someone might have suggested living in New Jersey would be a little out-of-touch for a CBC president and once again, Tait would have tripled down.  In her arrogance, she thinks she can run the place remotely.

Take it from me, I knew her and I knew her mother.  Tait's father was an ineffectual partner, so that's where their offspring ended up.  Coincidentally, before I met him, B was the mother's boss at FPRO.  He told me that in an hysterical outburst of women's lib, mother Tait upbraided him for the serious breach of holding a door for her "liberated" ass; shortly thereafter, she broke her leg and was in a cast.  One day they drove to a meeting with Tait in the back seat.  When they arrived, B got out and shut the door, leaving Tait stuck in the car screaming.  "Oh, sorry, I thought you didn't want any man holding the door for you."  Hahahaha!   

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