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Saturday, August 6, 2022

$127.9 million

That's how much we're giving to the Muskeg Lake Cree for..uh...something or other?  Marc Miller, another of Trudeau's well-rewarded McGill party cronies currently botching the Indigenous-Crown Relations file on the heels of the equally-incompetent Carolyn Bennett -- another "botcher-par- excellence"-- just announced this latest picking-of-the-Canadian-taxpayer's pocket.  

I'm not shocked; it's practically a daily occurrence.  But I remain pissed off that we continue to hand the natives so much additional money -- over and above the billions we already give them.  "This is going to provide an opportunity for a better future for those living here," said Miller, echoing the sentiments of chief Kelly Wolf.  

Do they really think anything's going to change?  Money hasn't solved one thing for natives for hundreds of years and it still won't.  They remain mired in litigious land claims and lawyer-enriching lawsuits, living on reserves (follow the money for why) that do nothing to enhance the lives of their children.  Why oh why does this continue?!!  When will someone wake up and put a stop to it?!!  Poor Harper tried, but failed, to get this albatross off our necks; Trudeau just dines out on it.

A few days ago, Miller also chimed in on the pope's visit.  "The worst thing that could happen is that no action is taken by the Catholic Church after Pope Francis' visit," he opined, side-stepping and trying to avoid any blame whatsoever.  What "action" does Miller expect and who's supposed to take it?!  All I can see is more money being handed out.  

As expected, most native leaders (all graduates of the evil residential school system, I might add) denounced the apology as too little, too late.  But I bet if money changes hands, it will be neither.  They also came down hard on the pope for issuing an apology in the air on the way home, instead of on the ground.  Whaaaaat??!!  Didn't the poor guy apologize ad nauseum everywhere he went?

The other cute trick the government and the Catholic Church are pulling is dumping the whole thing on the Vatican.  No one seems to mention that the church just stepped up to man the schools, but it was the government whose policy it was implementing.  It wasn't the Catholic Church who arbitrarily undertook to set up the schools, it was the government.  As for the church, they are conveniently dodging the whole mess and pointing all fingers at the pope.  

What must be remembered by the likes of Tanya Talaga, Pam Palmeter and other inauthentic, prominent "Urban Indian" personalities is that the church is run in Canada by the bishops -- not the Vatican.  Talaga and her ilk are posers, dining out on their heritage with no knowledge of how the whole process began and ended.

With apologies to, and respect for, my honest native friends, I am heartily sick of it.  But it does make good blogging.     

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