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Friday, August 26, 2022

More females effing up

It's depressing to me that so many women in high places are failing.  Top of mind is, of course, Theresa Tam, Canada's chief public "health" officer, whose sole job it was to watch out, and prepare Canada, for any random, murderous pandemic that might come down the pipe.  

She failed miserably.  Formed 20 years ago in the wake of SARS, the only job the Public Health Agency has is mobilizing a national response to any abnormal disease outbreak.  That was -- and remains -- Tam's ONLY job.  Didn't do it.  

Then we have Brenda Lucki, about whom nothing more need be said -- except that she also failed utterly to protect Canadians a number of times with tragic consequences.  Much blood on her hands too.  She even admitted she effed up during her testimony at the Parliamentary Inquiry into the Nova Scotia mass shooting!  She admitted it several times and apologized in front of the committee.  Yet still, like Tam, she keeps her job!  It's unfathomable.

Next on the list is the catastrophic CEO of the Greater Toronto Airports Authority, Deborah Ale Flint.  Googling her, we learn she was plucked from a similar, four-year stint in Los Angeles.  But listen to this!  In her bio she is credited with receiving an award for Toronto's globally-recognized Healthy Airport Program.  Healthy Airport Program?!  What a joke!  Echoing the years-long coverage of the mess that defines Pearson, a letter in today's 'Globe and Mail' describes Pearson as having, "Dirty floors, torn seats, poorly-managed stations, dilapidated and filthy food areas and disgraceful washrooms."

Undeterred and clearly delusional, Ms. Flint nonetheless doubles down and brags about having developed, "A new strategic plan, known as 'Pearson Strong', creating the airport of the future by building our business in a Smart, Healthy and Profitable way."  (Her incorrect caps, not mine.)  

As for her female colleagues, they don't seem to be much help.  One such VP, Karen Mazurkewich, bizarrely, boasts Chinese antique furniture and Canadian animation (??) as two of her main passions.  Really?!  

So, a fail for Ms. Flint and her female colleagues.

As for Chrystia Freeland, 'nuff said -- and it's all bad.  Responding to Jared Kushner's chronicling of the renegotiation of the NAFTA deal and her delaying tactics and media leaks, she said he was a bully.  Great way to get out of addressing your own dismal performance, Chrystia!  She was the problem, as far as I am concerned -- and I was one who worked on the original deal with the Americans back in 1988.  I am very proud of the work we did and sorry she has sullied it with her own bullying.  

Next we get to the famous Globe columnist and urban-born Torontonian Tanya Talaga.  Today, she was harping on about the case of Dawn Walker, a native woman who faked her own death and fled illegally across the border to the US with her son in defiance of a court order.  As I have said, Ms. Talaga knows about as much as I do about growing up native on a reservation, but she never misses an opportunity to grab headlines and act "expert spokesman" for whatever is current on that file.  

Completely ignoring the fact that Ms. Walker flagrantly broke the law, Talaga claims it was, "The failure of the justice system and the RCMP."  In her world, we need another justice system for Indigenous people.  "We need Indigenous peace-making to be made part of Canada's justice system.  Canada's police system has not worked in favour on Indigenous people.  Instead, it has met the legacy of generational trauma left by residential schools with brute force and decades of misunderstanding," writes Talaga.


"It is time for a new model.  We need widespread change, not more reports calling for police to participate in reconciliation events at powwows.  That's not the answer to a long legacy of racism, violence and misogyny.  Indigenous peace-making practices deserve a place in Canada's justice system."


She is advocating for different standards and sentences for natives and that is wrong.  That will open the door to Sharia law and every other bogus system anyone wants to set up.  We already have a "healing circle" justice system for natives that has been an abject failure, with perpetrators being "healed" with smudging and chanting.  It didn't work and criminals were back out on the street lickity-split to re-offend.  

Someone in mainstream media needs to call Ms. Talaga out on her bullsh-t.  But no one will ever chance it.

Affirmative Action suspends the Merit Principle.  These women are examples of how it doesn't work.     


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