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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

$2 million a day

That's what the Secret Service costs taxpayers every day to "protect" politicians like Donald Trump. Ya, the guy who escaped certain death by turning his head a hairs' breadth in a split second when a gunman fired on him at a rally.
How can that have happened?! And, of course, when the horse has bolted, here's what the director had to say:
Cheatle's last job was director of security for Pepsi -- presumably safe-guarding the soft drink's formula.

"The agency is confident in the security plan put in place for the Republican National Convention (RNC) in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, this week. The agency said security has been strengthened in the wake of the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump on July 13." (Barn door firmly shut and horse wandering around on the loose at this point.)

Director Kimberly Cheatle (a DEI hire for sure) said in the July 15 statement that additional security enhancements were provided to former President Trump’s security detail in June and that the agency had also implemented changes to his security detail since the assassination attempt to “ensure his continued protection for the convention and the remainder of the campaign.”

Cheatle added condolences to the others injured in the shooting, which she called a “senseless act of violence.” (The US is replete and chock full of "senseless acts of violence". Nothing new here.)

“I am confident in the security plan our Secret Service RNC coordinator and our partners have put in place, which we have reviewed and strengthened in the wake of Saturday’s shooting,” she said, in a breathtakingly ludicrous moment.

“The security plans for National Special Security Events are designed to be flexible. As the conventions progress, and in accordance with the direction of the President, the Secret Service will continuously adapt our operations as necessary in order to ensure the highest level of safety and security for convention attendees, volunteers and the City of Milwaukee.”

I watched a couple of interviews with real security experts yesterday and their analysis of video revealed a number of blatant failings about how the ex-president was removed from the stage.

Firstly, the female agents surrounding him (more DEI hires) were too short to give him cover. Secondly, one of them had her gun out, which was a complete no-no while they were wrestling him into the car. I mean, it could have gone off at any moment! She could have killed him herself!

Thirdly, agents were too far away from Trump to provide any effective cover. Fourthly, the roof from which the shooter fired should have been covered, but wasn't. It goes on and on.

Just like the after-the-fact investigation which follows the Calgary watermain break, Cheatle will be taking a deep dive into what went wrong. How about everything, say the experts I listened to. Cheatle needs to resign and if Biden had any n-ts, he would fire her. The fact remains that her only job was to protect Trump and she failed. Miserably. Thank you Diversity, Equity and Inclusion! Not.

Erik Prince, former Navy Seal and founder of the private security firm Blackwater, said it was an epic fail on every level. He especially called out Cheatle and said she must resign, but won't because the federal government protects its own. "That's why if given a choice between joining a private security firm or a public one, recruits always join the public one." What a way to run a railroad!

Come to think of it, has the Secret Service ever protected any president? Formed in 1901, after the assassination of president William McKinley, they've dropped every ball since. John Kennedy? Failed. Robert Kennedy? Failed. Attempt on Reagan? Failed. As I said, it goes on and on.

Back when JFK was assassinated, the detail was made up of about 10 officers. Now it's 300 and they still failed!

The "deep state", whoever that is (military-industrial complex?), is going to great lengths to get rid of Trump. By the way, Canada had its own "deep state" in the person of Keith Davey, aka "The Rainmaker". Davey was a powerful Liberal who was instrumental in federal elections from 1968 to 1984 -- a formidable behind-the-scenes player who pulled the strings of a lot of successful politicians who wound up becoming prime minister.

In Trump's case, the "deep state" has orchestrated many attacks to defeat him. None has worked. First, it was media attacks, then it was protests, then it was impeachments, then indictments and convictions on ridiculous charges. As Tucker Carlson said two years ago, "Follow the graph, next they'll try to kill him." Two years ago! How right he was and it may yet happen.

So, folks, all this is what $2 million a day will buy you.

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