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Saturday, July 20, 2024

Five years left

"We have about five years to get us close enough to be ready to counter the long-range threats posed by both China and Russia.  We have to be able to counter advanced cruise and ballistic missiles," warned General Jennie Carignan, Canada's new chief of the defence staff.

Jennie Carignan, Canada's new chief of the defence staff.

I was shocked because even on his way out, Wayne Eyre didn't have the nuts to say that out loud.  She's saying it in her first day on the job.

"Both China and Russia are developing new hypersonic missiles that can fly five times the speed of sound and change course mid-flight," she added.  "A target country cannot quickly predict where such missiles will land."

That's scary because Canada is in the path both countries would take to get at the United States.  "Canadians have historically felt safe in this country, thanks to the militarily superior US and the ice-laden Arctic, which make it hard for vessels to navigate the northern archipelago for much of the year.  However, the Arctic is melting and threats are increasing."

Yikes!  Meanwhile, Trudeau mumbles about boosting our capability to less than the required two percent "whenever", while handing $30 billion to industry for public transit.


Canada is no where near readiness, so we're f-cked -- and so are our poor grandchildren, that's if they even live.   

And as if that's not enough, newly named vp candidate J.D. Vance has warned us that countries who do not pull their weight will pay the consequences.  "Together, we will make sure our allies share in the burden of securing the world," Vance said in his acceptance speech.  "There will be no more free rides that betray the generosity of the American taxpayer."

J.D. Vance, VP elect.


Mike Johnson, House of Representatives Speaker, singled out Canada for "riding on America's coattails".  When Trump gets in again -- and he will -- there will be punishing tariffs galore for Canada.  It will be America First all the way.  Couple that with Trump's visceral hatred of Trudeau (he's not alone on that file) and it's all bad news for Canada.

And what are the Liberals doing?  Fiddling while Rome burns.  That lunatic Stephen Guilbeault just announced a coming ban on heating oil for homes!  It's WTF!!! day-in-and-day-out!

If you want to know what Vance is all about, watch 'Hillbilly Elegy', the movie based on his best-selling book about growing up dirt poor in the Rust Belt of Ohio.  If he can dig himself out from under the ruins and abuse of a drug-addicted mother, absent father and abject poverty, then join the Marines, get a law degree from Yale and be elected a senator at the age of 38, he can do pretty much anything.

As I said, Canada is f-cked and we deserve it.

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