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Sunday, March 24, 2013

The wee lad

Had him overnight for the first time last evening.  What a treat.  Of course, he was perfect.  Slept from 8 p.m. until 5 a.m., so that's not bad.  I was up making blueberry pancakes at 5:30!  Off we went to Palm Sunday Mass and he thoroughly enjoyed smashing the palms around!

Very proud of daughter Susanne, who won the big Grand Prix of the 'Calgary Road Runners' race series.  She won a huge trophy, plus a hand-painted plate for her age group.  As I said to her son, "Mummy is a super star." 

1 comment:

  1. How positively marvelous. It is wonderful for her to have you there sharing all these triumphs!! Your a great grandmother and mother. I would have loved to have my Mom alive when my children were babies. Someone sent me an email asking if your blog is still on. I will email you and give you her name.
    Adorable story.
