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Monday, July 7, 2014

An Outing

Drove to Bragg Creek today.  It's a lovely place, hard-hit by the floods last year, but mostly recovered.  Ended up at a local golf club -- beautiful if I played, but I don't.  What is it I always say about golf?  Ball too small, club too long.  Unhittable.

There were some fabulous photos on the walls of Tsuu T'ina chiefs, on whose ground the club is and which I post below:

Chief David Crowchild, after whom the Crowchild Trail is named.

Old Sarcee, after whom the Sarcee Trail is named.

Jim Big Plume, don't know much about him.

Chief Bull Head.


1 comment:

  1. bEAUTIFUL PICTURES. very POWERFUL. Thank you for this.
