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Friday, July 25, 2014

Views from a Mall

Sitting around the Chinook Centre, waiting for my shopping son yesterday, I snapped a few of the milling throngs:

How could you possibly go out in public wearing a skirt like this?

Ripped jeans are the order of the day in Calgary.

What a perfect outfit for the public thoroughfare!

Good for you, Mom.  Let's get the kids started early on what-not-to-wear!



  1. so funny AND SO pathetic. STYLE HAS GONE OUT THE WINDOW IN NORTH AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!
    Four years ago son Patrick came to visit from California.
    I immediately said give me those jeans and I will have them sewn up for you!!!! Immediately said "MOM, JOIN
    THE 21ST CENTURY - I bought them that way !!!!! It's called style!!!!STYLE said I - ??????????????

  2. Yep, know what you mean. Whenever I wear a hat I feel like an exhibitionist! People gawk, but I wear them anyway.
