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Thursday, August 14, 2014

Splat, crash, boom

That was me, hitting the floor of the kitchen in our rented cottage in Windermere, after having had to crawl through the window when the front door would not open.  Seriously.  I actually had to remove the screen, hoist myself up and crawl through the screen only to face the kitchen sink.  Didn't want to smash it, so tried to jump over and landed with a "splat" on the floor. 

This was just after my 2K swim.  Guess I thought I was Super-woman!?  Thank G-d for Voltaren.  The person who inspired me to swim across lakes was Marilyn Bell.  Remember her?  She was 16 when she became the first person to swim across Lake Ontario.  Fifty-two kilometres, or 32 miles.  What am I thinking with 2Ks???!!!!  Ridiculous.  She swam 50 more than I!  But I do remember watching TV with my parents and marvelling at her perseverance!  I was nine when I swam across the lake at our cottage in St. Pierre de Wakefield.  Since then, when I see a lake I have to swim it. 

Other delights at Windermere are as follows:
Our neighbour
This was a garbage dump in Windermere.  So many flowers, I was bowled over!
Daughter and grandchildren at Radium Hot Springs pool.  


  1. Fantastic pictures. My goodness Suzanne looks lsike you. Reid is so adorable and is growing up so quickly.
    So happy for you to be near to them.

  2. Thank you. By the way, her name is spelled "Susanne".
