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Sunday, August 3, 2014

Under-dressed and Over-charged

There he sat, ball cap on backwards, sporting a glaring T-shirt and ugly shorts.  His dinner companions were not better attired, but at least no ball caps.  This was in 'The Bear's Den', one of the priciest restaurants in Calgary. 

Typical.  Is there anything uglier or stupider that a ball cap on backwards?   

When you enter the Den a "dress code" sign greets you, but hey, who cares!  This is Calgary and it's jeans, jeans and more jeans.  I know it's me, but I am old-fashioned and believe jeans are for "this" and other attire for "that".  As I have blogged, I don't own a pair because I no longer look good in them.  Now to the menu:

I ordered steak tartar, one of my favourites, but the chef messed it up because he jammed nutmeg into it and covered it in crème fraiche.  Yuck.  You just don't do that.  The only dessert I will eat is one bite of cheesecake, but the chef got smarty-pantsy and it arrived as something called "cheesecake cloud", which bore absolutely no resemblance to cheesecake.  It was all fluffy and had ice cream at its centre?!  Where was the gorgeous hard cheesecake I love?  Took one bite and that was that.  Told the manager, either you serve actual cheesecake, or you call it something else.  It's not cheesecake. 

Why do chefs have to get silly with basics?

Don't even want to tell you what the bill was, but it was drastically over-priced. 

Won't be back.     


  1. Whew... pricey, for sure!! To correct your perhaps inadvertent correction, the restaurant appears to be called "Bears Den" - sans apostrophe. Throughout their web site, even the sign over the door, there is not an apostrophe in sight.

  2. Well. there should be an apostrophe after the "r".

  3. Agreed. You'd think with those prices they'd be able to afford an apostrophe or two!
