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Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Dear Diary,

Why does it seem that lesbians are always fat?  Every time I see a group gathered to protest something or other, or get publically married, they're fat.  Oh, and angry and ugly.  On purpose.  Not so gay men.  They are usually fit, happy, friendly and cheerful.  And by the way, they like women, as opposed to their female counterparts who positively hate men.  All men.     

Anecdotal I know, but with the exception of Ellen-and-Portia and Kathleen Wynne, the majority of lesbians one sees in the public thoroughfare are fat.  And they don't seem to care a whit?!

When last I tried to look up my birth father, there was no google and I didn't get much information.  But last night I took another crack at it and a ton of information popped up.  He only died a few years ago, after an illustrious athletic career.  I knew he was an umpire in one of the US baseball leagues (I am not going to name it), but I didn't realize just how famous he was.  He won championships in speed skating, roller skating, horseshoes and table tennis.  He was also a pitcher and short stop in baseball's minor leagues, playing in the border league, which is how my birth mother met him.  Very "briefly", shall we say. 

So, now I know where I and my children get our athletic ability.  My birth mother did not tell him of her pregnancy, so I did not get to meet him.  For that matter, I didn't meet her either because she had died at 49 (smoking lung cancer), a year before I found her.  My natural father went on until well into his late eighties, so I may have a few more years in me yet.     

That is why adoptees are so interested (read "obsessed") with their roots.  Natural children take it all for granted, but those of us who had other beginnings have this strong urge to find out why we are the way we are.  All very interesting, don't you think?

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