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Monday, October 20, 2014

The trouble with single mothers

How can you be a "single mother" of eight? I mean, don't you know how you get pregnant?  Having one "oops" kid is one thing, but eight??!!  You have to be doing this on purpose. 

Reading Jane Taber's piece on childhood poverty in The Globe and Mail today gave me great pause.  She had interviewed this Nova Scotian (Taber had incorrectly written "Nova Scotia") single mother of eight who was having difficulty feeding her children nutritious food.  Well, duh, of course you are.  You are unemployed and have brought eight innocent children into the world here and there, willy-nilly, sired by who-knows-how-many-fathers and you can't feed them! 

Selfish, unwed mothers are the biggest cause of childhood poverty.  Too bad no one will actually say it out loud, but giving birth to children you can't afford to feed is a most egregious act.  Of course Ms. Taber never mentions this reality, just writes a "crying" piece about the poor mother.  It's scandalous.  Thankfully, my single mother went into hiding, gave birth and gave me up for adoption to a wonderful family.  Had she not, I would have been raised in poverty a boarding house in Kingston.  Privileges such as ballet, swimming and piano lessons?  Forget about it.    

What is Justin Trudeau doing writing a biography?  He's twelve years old.  G-d help us all if he becomes Prime Minister.  We're doomed.  He's just so dumb. 

"We can't just go to the stage door and ask to be let in," I said to my nervy friend in London in 1968.  "Of course we can," she replied.  "We're from Canada."  So, we did.  "Wait a minute," said the doorman.  Back he came and ushered us into the dress rehearsal for "Hair", the famous musical.  I now have a lot more nerve, but when I was 21 I was more inclined to play by the rules and hang back a bit.  The guy who wrote the music for "Hair" was Galt McDermot, a Montrealer.  Somehow, my friend knew all this and was convinced he would host us into the dress rehearsal.  She was right.  He did and we enjoyed a wonderful evening.  I have been recalling this because I hear one of the songs being played often on the radio of late. 

Well, that's what's on my so-called mind these days.      

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