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Sunday, October 12, 2014

Turkey Weekend

Creeping down the stairs at five a.m. this morning, I was transported back to my childhood.  I had to get the turkey dressed and into the oven so the bird would be ready for the family, scheduled to arrive at one p.m.  The darkness and chill of a Northwestern Calgary early morning surrounded me, but there was work to be done.  I got at it. 

In earlier years, I experimented with goose, duck, Cornish name it.  Didn't we all in the early seventies?  Afterall, we were smartypant's.  Fruit stuffing, rice stuffing, potato stuffing -- anything went, but over the years, I have reverted to turkey and the Stapledon family dressing:  bread crumbs (made from frozen crusts stored over the past few months), onions, celery, sage, savoury and sausage.  A big tube of it.  The secret's in the fat.  Yeah, fat tastes wonderful. 

I remember my grandmother and then my mother and aunts doing the turkey in the early morning because we always had "dinner" at noon, a holdover from their rural beginnings in The Ottawa Valley.  Dinner was at noon and supper the evening meal, a much lighter fare.  I started remembering festive dinners at my grandparents' on Cartier Street in Ottawa.  My grandfather was in charge of buying a live turkey at the market, which he brought home, killed and then de-feathered in the back garden.  I think he burned them off.  It was mesmerizing to watch.

It's now 7:30 a.m. and everything is in the oven and starting to smell beautiful.  The sun is rising and it's a delightful day.  I am grateful for the many gifts I have been given in my lifetime.  Today, our granddaughter is six months old.  What an exquisite Thanksgiving gift she is.    


  1. You are blessed and you deserve it. You work very hard for your whole family and rarely complain. God Bless You and Yours on this thanksgiving. I am grateful to be able to feed the homeless at the Food Bank tomorrow. Hugs to all the wonderful family,B.A.

  2. All done. It was perfect -- except for all the work before and after! I hauled out my best English stoneware, handpainted dishes. But they can't go in the dishwasher, neither can my bone-handled knives.

    Enjoy the food bank, I am sure it will be a very spiritual experience.
