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Friday, February 13, 2015

Stupid courts

So, some ridiculous Canadian judge has decided a Pakistani national can keep her niqab on when she takes the oath of citizenship.  How dumb is that.  "That's not how we do things here," said Harper in his usual sane fashion.  "I believe and I think most Canadians believe that it is offensive for someone to hide their identity at the very moment they are committing to join the Canadian family," he went on.

The woman who wants to become Canadian while veiled is vowing to fight on through the court process.  Please.  Do us all a favour and return to Pakistan where it's acceptable.  I always marvel at these countries who don't allow Western women to dress in Western garb, but who want to wear their clothes in Western countries!?   

The Globe and Mail has an editorial today which agrees this woman should be able to remain covered, arguing it's a religious right.  Frankly, I don't believe it's a religious custom at all and I have read many articles written by both male and female Muslims who agree with me.  I think it's a sexual thing enforced by men from cultures that insist women be demeaned and debased in public.  I'm starting to re-think my subscription to that newspaper.   

1 comment:

  1. Agree 100% and posted something about this travesty!!
    People come here and expect us to adapt to their way.
    In Rome do as the romans Do - same for CANADA.
