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Friday, March 6, 2015


Somehow, I managed to delete my blog.  I panicked!  Years of writing more than 1,000 and it was gone?  Went on google "help", which didn't because I didn't know what a "URL" was???  People were actually emailing me wondering where it had gone?

So I tried to look for it online.  Not there.  In fact, two blogs I had written over the last couple of days not even I could access on my own account!  "Blog has been removed" was the message I got after logging in. 

More panic.  Naturally, there is no phone help for Blogger, so one is on one's own.  Surfing around I was afraid to "edit" anything in case I made things worse.  Finally, after about an hour, I got it back.....I think.  Blogger used to offer to print one's blog, but they no longer do.  I would love to leave a legacy for my grandkids so they would know what a whacko their grandma was.  But, alas alack, no dice. 

I am now going to try and publish and access this.  Get out the beads! 

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