So, the big boys in the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) have "suspended" chief Roseanne Archibald in a breathtaking display of bullying and a cover-up. Archibald, who has been calling loudly and publicly for a forensic audit and independent investigation of the financial goings-on in the organization she leads, was quickly and unceremoniously dumped by those she is accusing of covering up what she believes has been going on behind murky financial curtains for the past eight years.
Only eight? Anyway, it's a start.
Is it not obvious to everyone that she was fired because she was calling the AFN out and demanding transparency? It sure is to me because, as you know, I do my research and find out the financial facts before I put finger to keyboard. Apparently, she broke the code of conduct about whistle-blowing, among other things, but that, I am sure, was the biggest problem they had with her. And why was there a ban on whistle-blowing in the first place? Rhetorical.
Note: I just sent a private message to Charmaine Stick, of the Onion Lake Cree Band, asking for her opinion. As you may know, she won a lengthy court battle to have the band's leaders reveal its financial documents. I hope she responds. I'll let you know.
Just hear back from Charmaine and she said she hadn't heard about it. Really?! I told her to google the mess, but she said obviously there was something to hide and that the feds were behind it. I replied that I believe it was the AFN boys who didn't want a forensic audit. I'll keep you posted.
But Roseanne says she will not give up and good on her! While it's normal practice for anyone who gets federal or provincial money to have to account for it -- remember having to account for every cup of coffee when we travelled for the federal government? -- apparently the AFN doesn't feel obliged to account for one penny of the billions it is handed every year. And Trudeau, wholeheartedly agreeing with them, cancelled the accountability act introduced by Harper in one of the former's first strokes of pen when initially elected.
Here's what I want to know: Scouring through 'The Globe and Mail' and 'The Calgary Herald' this morning, I could find no mention of Archibald's dismissal anywhere? You'd think that when questionable graves are (read "might be") discovered here and there and stories are plastered on the front pages and in the main newscasts of every media outlet in the country, there'd be outraged headlines about Archibald's "removal" screaming from every banner.
But, no, nothing.
If that doesn't tell you mainstream media has been bought and paid for by the government, nothing will. I'd love to see other natives publicly supporting Charmaine and Roseanne. Will they, or is the money too vast and easy? Let's see.
I donated to Charmaine's cause, abd was horrified when Trudeau killed the Accountability Act. Outrageous.