In the U.S., State Farm Insurance created a booklet on LGBTQ diversity that it planned to distribute to kindergarten kids. Kindergarten kids -- five years old! An employee leaked the plan and all hell broke loose! The company abandoned the plan after one day of explosive push back. That was a very good thing, in my view.
How can a five-year-old decide he/she is gay or queer or trapped in the wrong body or transgender? That's taking the ridiculous "woke" fad to new heights. State Farm wanted teachers to have, "challenging, supportive and empowering conversations with toddlers to promote diversity." Diversity!? In Five-year-olds?! I'd say State Farm is promoting confusion and chaos, but cooler heads prevailed and the program was promptly scrapped.
What is wrong with people??!!
Not to be out-done, Mattel is selling transgender Barbie's! The epitome of femininity, someone thought Barbie should also be trans. Whaaaat!!?? The company said its aim is to "celebrate visionaries whose incredible contributions have helped shape and impact culture." It's modeled after transgender actor (actress?) Laverne Cox and that they had consulted with leading neuroscientists to "uncover the profound influence dolls have upon children." Laverne Cox, a visionary?! Who knew a wash-up B-list actress was actually a visionary. Boy, Laverne's money must really be drying up for her to get into this.
"We're proud to highlight the importance of inclusion at every age," they explained. I was a tomboy. Would I have identified as "trans" at five? Who knows? Would this have ruined my life? Yes.
But this is not just happening in the U.S. A friend in Quebec told me her 12-year-old grandson's class had been subjected to a graphic presentation on LGBTQ by a trans person with the teacher's wholehearted support. This wise kid got up and walked out, causing the principal to call his mother. If you've met the daughter, also a teacher, you would not have wanted to have been on the receiving end of that conversation. The principal claimed to have known nothing about the presentation and promptly cancelled it.
More parents need to take a principled stance and stop this insane brainwashing of young minds before "wokeism" takes hold of everything and lunacy supersedes rationality.
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