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Wednesday, June 15, 2022

More of our money wasted

So, our Indigenous Governor General, Mary Simon, and 29 "essential" advisors racked up $100,000 noshing on food and booze on one flight to the Middle East.  What an outrage!

Firstly, why was she going to Saudi Arabia at all?!  Last time I checked, she represents The Queen, the latter of whom has nothing to do with running the Middle East.  And why did she need another 29 people to go with her?  All she would have been doing would have been saying "Hi" and eating and drinking at various receptions, so why the advice?  The GG makes no decisions on behalf of the government, so what was the point of the trip because I'm sure she is capable of putting food into her mouth and swigging booze all by herself without 29 people telling her which fork to use.  

When the press got hold of this, she blamed the department of defence, saying they pick the food and she had nothing to say about it.  Please.  

(Note:  I happen to know the guy in charge of these things in Foreign Affairs and I'm going to ask him what went on.  I'll get back to you.  Update:  He just told me that it's going on everywhere with this government, but he had nothing to do with this because instead of going through his channels, Simon went through DND.)

And what's with the baby seal-skin shawl?  Someone must have savagely clubbed it to death for her to have obtained the skin -- and here I thought clubbing baby seals was a sacrilege!  

Trudeau apparently gives her her flying orders, so the trip must have been a boondoggle to impress the rest of the world about what a great international statesman he is.  Trust me, no one will ever think that -- regardless of who he sends traipsing around the globe.

The sooner we can get rid of him, the better off this country will be.  


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