The weeping, gnashing of teeth and public apologizing over the stats that purportedly prove that Blacks in Toronto are subjected to more use of force that other "races" during police interactions made me wonder. So, as I always do, I dove into the stats.
Stats, as we all know, can be interpreted any way anyone wants, so here's my interpretation:
- 45.5% of Whites are strip-searched when stopped by police; however, only
- 31.2% of Blacks are strip-searched;
- 36.1% of Whites experience violence when arrested; but
- 39.4% of Blacks experience violence.
The HUGE fuss, of course, is made by the Black community which no one dares challenge with the numbers. And what did the Toronto police chief get for his public and groveling apology from the Black community? "We don't accept your apology," screamed one female Black leader I heard on tv. So, why bother?
"The report leaves many questions unanswered," said Toronto Police Association President Jon Reid. "What are their disparities and what factors led to an encounter with police in the first place?"
Exactly. That's also my problem with those decrying the disproportionate numbers of Indigenous men and women in Canadian prisons. What did they do to get there?
But this being Canada, we will all just roll over and get stomped on while the truth gets shoved under the carpet.
A word of support for AFN Chief Roseanne Archibald, who is finally getting mainstream media coverage for her brave fight against corruption in the ranks. For her battle she is being attacked by native leaders on all sides, but is continuing to call it out, demanding a forensic audit and investigation. Many are now shaking in their expensive boots and going after her harder. Who actually thought all natives and leaders were pure as the driven snow?
It's about time someone -- other than me and Charmaine Stick -- started looking into where the billions go. Natives have to start speaking with more than one voice if they want to advance. They need to question their leaders and the rest of us need to start demanding accountability -- something Trudeau cancelled the minute he took office. Bravo Roseanne!
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