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Monday, September 23, 2024

"I don't think so"

Those were the words out of Senators' president Cyril Leeder's mouth when he announced that a new stadium is to be built on Lebreton Flats in Ottawa.

Mr. Leeder with his wallet open.

He was responding to a question.  "Will the taxpayers be on the hook for financing some of this project?" asked a reporter.  "I don't think so," Leeder replied.

And therein lies the rub.  "I don't think so," means of course the beleaguered taxpayer will be footing a big part of the bill because we all know that any such mega-project ALWAYS runs WAAAAAY over budget.

So, get ready to dig deep, Ottawans, because you'll be forking over for a project that currently has no timeline and no budget.  Yes, you read that right.  Leeder and his partner John Ruddy, of the Trinity Development Group, have no clue when shovels will hit the ground and what the whole debacle will cost.  That being said, how can they possibly know taxpayers will be spared yet another boondoggle?!

They can't.  My guess is they have no timeline because they're still rooting around for more money from someone else.  Somewhere.  Somehow.

So, as I say taxpayer beware.  Tag, you're it!

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