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Friday, September 13, 2024

I know it sounded insane.....

....but in some cultures, they do eat cats and dogs.  Trump's vilification for saying it was predictable, but I remember when I was a kid in Ottawa, there was a huge scandal because the Chinese restaurant on the little island off the Champlain Bridge was shut down for using cat meat in its recipes.

All true.

The French eat horse meat, something we find horrific.  Many Asian and South Asian cultures eat insects and other creatures because food is scarce.  The Chinese are the biggest consumers of cats and dogs, but the Swiss also consume their pets, although I can't imagine Roger Federer chowing down on fluffy the cat before a big match.  But, if you don't believe me, google it.  This what I found:

"A small percentage of Swiss population secretly eats cats, dogs, and horses. Eating cat and dog meat is part of Christmas celebrations. While there are no commercial slaughterhouses for cats and dogs, farmers kill the animals themselves.  'Unmentionable Cuisine,' a 1979 book on taboo food around the world by Calvin Schwabe, detailed the Swiss recipe for dried dog meat.  Swiss cantons of Appenzell and St. Gallen have a tradition of eating dog meat, preserving it as sausages, as well as using it for medicinal purposes."

Dinner in some cultures.

But, as I say, the abuse and horror aimed at Trump was predictable.  The mainstream media jumps all over anything Trump says, which is why I no longer watch it.  I now get my news from YouTube via people like Victor Davis Hanson, Thomas Sewell, Douglas Murray, Ben Carson, Megyn Kelly, Tucker Carlson, Larry Elder and others of their ilk.

Here in Canada, talking heads are falling all over themselves praising Mark Carney for being an economic genius.  Look at his impeccable resumé, they scream!  What they don't look into (because they are lazy) is the fact that his appointment as governor of the Bank of England was terminated after barely three years -- two short of the usual appointment.  He f-cked up in that job, but no one mentions that inconvenient fact.

Freeland and Champagne must be fuming that Trudeau parachuted Carney in over them because, speaking of effing up, both have botched their portfolios spectacularly!  Freeland has been minister of finance for four years, as well as deputy PM, and she is not only ineffectual, but also ruinous for the Canadian economy.

The gang that couldn't shoot straight HAS TO GO!

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