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Thursday, September 26, 2024


In a breathtaking nod to the incompetence of the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), the federal government has just moved to bypass it to create yet another agency to do what the PHAC has consistently failed to do:  Identify and protect Canadians from deadly disease and pandemics.

PHAC was formed in 2004 after SARS emerged because evidently all the federal, provincial and municipal health departments combined neither predicted, nor prevented, that epidemic.  

Then came COVID and right on cue, PHAC abjectly failed to warn Canadians -- in spite of the fact that Theresa Tam sat on the World Health Organization and must have known all about it.  One day everything was fine, according to Tam, but the next we all had to quarantine or die.  Remember that?

Theresa Tam (gender unknown)

Francois Philippe Champagne, industry minister, has just announced he's now creating a brand, new agency called 'Health Emergency Readiness Canada' so we can -- once again....wait for it -- predict and prevent deadly disease and pandemics!
Phew!  Thankfully, this new agency will prevent this!

Why is this not coming from health minister Mark Holland?  Why is the industry minister making this announcement?  Maybe someone actually woke up and realized that Holland hasn't been doing his job.

Vassy Kapelos interviewed him yesterday and he was hysterical.  Speaking in rapid fire, I thought he was on speed!  He was rude and kept cutting her off and raving over her questions -- questions for which he obviously had no answers.  

Last year, the British Medical Journal called out Canada's "major pandemic failures", such as jurisdictional wrangling and a high death rate in long-term care homes.  Hello, Theresa -- did you read that?  No one must have given it another thought or hoot because, instead of being fired, charged and jailed, Tam was immediately given a HUGE raise!

You could not make this up!  Oh, but wait, Trudeau is a "feminist", so he could not possibly fire a woman!  He's a feminist, remember.  But wait, a feminist who gropes women and then says grabbing her ass was something she "remembered differently".  Speaking of being charged and jailed....

So now, to protect Canadians, we have:
  • Municipal health departments
  • Provincial health departments and agencies
  • Federal health departments
  • The Public Health Agency of Canada, and
  • The Health Emergency Readiness Canada agency.
Do you feel safe?  Rhetorical.




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