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Saturday, September 14, 2024


That seems to be all Kamala Harris has to offer:  Feel good clichés, meaningless drivel and slogans.  Reminds me of Kim Campbell's disastrous campaign when she said, "An election campaign is no time to discuss serious issues."

That killed her -- that and her ineptitude.

I notice that many people are cheering and rooting for Harris, regardless of what she says -- which is usually nothing worth noting.  Many women, for example, will vote for her just because she's a woman.  Gender is no reason at all.  That's simply blind ignorance and being uninformed about issues.  

(Speaking of being uninformed, I have decided not to discuss politics with anyone who does not read national media, like 'The Globe and Mail'.  My first question will be, "Do you follow national media?"  If the answer is "no", I will not engage.) 

And that giggling and grinning!  Unbearable.  Try as I might, I cannot see her standing up to Putin or Xi because they will not back down when she giggles at them over a pile of nuclear weapons.

What is her slogan?  "A new way forward," or some other such nonsense.  And what exactly has she been doing for the last four years?  Wasn't she supposed to clean up the border?  Didn't happen, it's a sieve.   

The potential leader of the free world.  Help us all!

Here in Canada, all the polls are saying that Trudeau has no chance.  I thought that too, until I had a second thought.  People who say they won't vote for Trudeau also say they can't vote for Poilievre either.  I read letters to the editor from people who claim they can't support Poilievre, but won't vote for Trudeau.

What could happen is that these people will simply stay home and all the Trudeau-ites will come out and vote.  Gawd help us because that will mean Trudeau will get in!%#$%!!$%  I can't bear to even think about it, but it you are against Trudeau, please hold your nose and vote for Poilievre.  Don't stay home!

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