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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Was that Quincy Jones?

I nearly dropped when I saw who was featured in the Sea Bond Denture Cream commercial:  music legend Quincy Jones.  At first I thought, "it must be a guy who looks exactly like the famous genius."  But no, B confirmed it was he.  How sad.  A brilliant and talented guy like Quincy Jones reduced to hawking false teeth adhesive. 

It reminded me of the Brylcream commercials of a number of years ago featuring Canadian hockey great Rocket Richard.  The Rocket also flogged fishing lures and matches, as I recall, after he retired from "The Habs" with a pathetically-meagre pension. 

The difference between the two men's situations is that Maurice Richard and players of his era were paid an insulting pittance, so had to do something to survive in their dotage.  Quincy Jones, on the other hand, made millions and millions over an illustrious career, but evidently spent too much of it unwisely -- on ex-wives, kids, toys and stuff. 

Problem is that in the good old U S of A, he can't get health care -- or any other seniors' care -- something he probably needs now.  That's my assumption, that practically non-existent social programs in the US just don't tally up to what even down-on-their-luck millionaires require.


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