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Sunday, May 19, 2013

This'll set the movement back

She broke off the engagement, but kept the ring.  Now that's class for you.  This happened to a young man I swim with at the Y.  A sweet and sincere guy, he somehow got involved with a hard-core narcissist and she definitely done him wrong. 

See, you can't do that.  You can't dump the guy and keep the ring.  In this case it was very expensive, but even if it weren't, you have to give it back.  Just not honourable to do anything else.  Any woman worth her salt does not do that, so in the end it's a good thing he found out what kind of woman she was before he might have disastrously married her.

I was engaged to a (sort of) famous New York musician in 1969 and he bought me a ring.  (By the way, can you imagine my marrying a musician?!  That would have been a disaster, given my personality and weaknesses.)  But anyway, when I broke it off in a moment of sanity, I sent back the ring.  He returned it, insisting I keep it.  To this day I still have it, although I don't wear it.  I did the right thing because it was his decision to ask me to keep it. 

But to break a young man's heart and then tell him you'll put the ring on e-bay and split the proceeds is greedy and heartless.  Betcha this carpet-bagger doesn't split the proceeds.

From what I understand, this woman has quite a lot of money and considers herself a member of "The Movement".  A card-carrying feminist with a hefty and lucrative career, she has demonstrably outed herself as just another griffter. 

That's what's wrong with "feminism".  Too many loopholes.  Ladies, pick a side.     


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