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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Most respected profession

Just read that "firefighter" is the most respected profession in Canada -- maybe even the world, not sure.  My son-in-law is a firefighter and I have no argument with that assessment. 

Watching Question Period, "politician" must be the least respected.  There they sit, asking one stupid question after another about that bum, Mike Duffy.  What he did has gone on for years, but the public was unable to find out.  The rules have changed and everything is open to scrutiny, hence the catching of Duffy-Wallin-Harb-Brazeau. 

It's a disgrace, but please get on with the business of the country -- like trade and jobs and stuff.  Never liked Mulcair; like him much less so now.  And Justin Trudeau better smarten up and quit reading every question in the House.  Makes him look incompetent.  Oh, I forgot, maybe he is incompetent. 

As to my son-in-law, I could not be more proud. 

1 comment:

  1. You are 100% correct. I couldn't believe Justin reading everything he asked in question
    period!! And he going to be Prime Minister???
    I don't think so - not for a long time !!
    He has to grow up first.
