Of course. The president of York University is a middle-easterner of some sort, Mamdouh Shoukri. That's why he (or maybe it's a 'she') over-ruled Professor Grayson's decision to refuse a request from a male student who didn't want to participate in a group discussion because the student could not be around women in public. Wait until he gets a job and his boss is a female and he is surrounded by women. Can you imagine if another student said he/she couldn't be around blacks, or Jews?! As if that would be accommodated.
Give me a friggin' break. This is Canada! Men and women are equal. I was perplexed -- actually enraged -- when I read that the president had reversed the professor's decision and agreed to accommodate the student-with-the-sixth-century attitude's request for a one-on-one with the professor. But when I learned the president was an Arab, I got it. York University has always been out of it, but this took the cake.
"York is committed to upholding Canada's pluralistic values," wrote Shoukri. But he did not address the specifics of the case, calling instead for a broader discussion of the "complexities involved with religious accommodation, an issue many people, "myself included, feel passionately about."
Hey buddy, in Canada we separate "church and state"! We don't care what your religion is and as the president of a Canadian university, neither should you. When you attend a Canadian university in Canada, you have to accept Canadian law. When you are the president of a Canadian university in Canada you must be impartial and forget about your "passionate" feelings for your religion, except when you are in your mosque.
It's a disgrace. The guy should be fired. Period, the end. Canada has completely given itself over to the dark side. I am ashamed of us.
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
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I couldn't agree more - I thought Quebec was bad enough now this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh CANADA, WHAT HAS BECOME OF THEE???? You are 100% correct.