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Saturday, April 5, 2014

But without the shoes.............

Spotted this in The Globe this morning.  Love it all, except the shoes.  I would have worn this outfit with black patent leather spike heels. 

The shoes are ugly.  Big, wedge clunkers.  Yuck. 


  1. It's all about the appropriate style/proportion. Divine outfit though...

  2. Nancy- Miss Fashionesta - you would wear this for a Halloween party ask B if I'm not dead correct??
    You must be very bored to even think of this ugly outfit shoes or not shoes. You much too good for this garbadge.B.A.

  3. Bored? Are you crazy?! I love commenting on certain fashions because I have very definite views on style, what I like and don't. Come to think of it, I have very definite views on everything!
