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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

What was that noise?

Awakening this morning, I heard a strange noise, a sort of whirring rushing sound.  Did someone leave the water running all night?  But no, folks, it was the furnace.  Yep, June 20th and it is so cold here the furnace kicked in.  Watching the national news and weather last night -- with annoyingly-smug and self-satisfied Peter Mansbridge and infernally-perky and bouncy Claire Martin -- I longed for the heat wave now hitting Southern Ontario.  Please, please, just a teensy bit of heat!  "We have an arctic air mass stalled over Calgary and parts of Saskatchewan," she beamed irritatingly.  Yes, we certainly do.

All the "experts" say we are to experience a very hot, dry summer.  G-d, I hope so.

A word about the Jason Kenney fiasco on twitter.  The media is awash in hand wringing over the message he sent out the other day, labelling deputy Alberta premier Thomas Luckaszuk....."a complete and utter a--hole."  The airwaves and pundit shows are full of reporters talking about how he must have hit "reply all" by mistake.  Ah, but maybe not.  That sly fox and expert chess player, Stephen Harper, may have ordered the hit to displace media coverage of his repugnant omnibus budget bill -- the one into which he has stuffed a ton of other legislation about which no one has a clue.

He succeeded perfectly.  And Kenney has nothing to worry.  He's a star in cabinent and was likely all too keen to take the hit, knowing full well when Harper shuffles his cabinet in a few months, he'll be promoted.

Speaking of Kenney, CTV had a few "expert authorities" on yesterday, re-hashing the offensive tweet.  One was the infamous Tom Flanagan -- always to be counted on for saying something completely wild and off-the-wall.  When asked what he thought of Kenney's comments, Flanagan said -- live, on camera with his face hanging out -- "Oh I wouldn't worry about that.  Jason was probably having trouble with his hemorrhoids that day."  Can you believe that!  On national television.  Hard to top!        

1 comment:

  1. There may be a cabinet shuffle sooner than we think! and by the way, if I could COUNT the omnibus bills in my career.......!!!
