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Saturday, June 2, 2012

The "skinny" on the "real" Vancouver housewives

I started watching this stupid show to see if I recognized any of the locales.  Of course not, because I do not live in a gated community in WestVan.  But these women slay me.  Rail thin, they nonetheless drink ALL the time.  What's up with that?  My daughter tells me it's because they don't eat.  Guess that explains it because each is of a "certain age", you know, when you can't actually eat one pathetic burger once a month and stay thin.  Trust me, living on carrots and air, I know.

As a matter of fact, I am shamelessly tuned into an episode right now about........natch.......a trip to Okanagan wine country.  What else!

Met a woman the other night whose sister's ex-husband's brother (got that?) is the gay guy on the show.  I mean, talk about six degrees of separation -- hello Kevin Bacon.

The deal is that each woman has money because of a guy who either made lots of it and is still married to the woman (the smart guys), or a guy who had to fork over a ton of it in a divorce.  Sad that some women foul the nest for the rest of us.    

1 comment:

  1. You've got that one right one the money!!
    The father of my children sued me for half of
    my inheritance in 1975!! he got it. Then because
    he was working for the House of Commons it was impossible to garnish any of his wages - because his position was an "order in Council"
    from the P.M. So all his support cheques bounced. !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Women wanted equality
    in the 70's - they got it!!!!
