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Monday, July 23, 2012

Hair thoughts..........

Danny, the Ottawa stylist who did my hair for 22 years before we moved out here, (do yourself a favour and read his fabulous blog, "Beauty is an Ugly Business."  His moniker is "Hairburner") wrote back when I consulted him about growing my hair at my age.  Here's what he advised:

"Absolutely! Grow it!  Grey hair is the status symbol in the 21st century.  Even hair colour companies have jumped on the band wagon with silver permanent colour shades.  A really avant garde look is for people to go salt and pepper.  I kid you not.  You've already got it!

"Invest in some hairbands.  They will be your best friend in the coming year.  Pull your luscious locks away from your face and scrunch the curls.  You've always been a stylish dresser and an expert on accessorizing so in my humble opinion, I know you can rock it out (like the kids say!)

"Don't get frustrated (everyone does) and if you need a trim, go to a salon and tell them you need to get a shaping for the length it is as you're growing it out.  Ask them is there anyone here who will do that?  Trim it 2-4 times a year.  Good luck growing your hair."

Dan was also the guy who encouraged me to "go for it" back in '92, when I decided to stop dying my hair.  So I stopped right then and there.  I had to go through the "bag lady" stage, with roots and the like, but I remember the happy day he cut the final dyed bits away forever.  I felt completely liberated from the drugstore products I had been chained to for many years. 

Letting your hair "go" means freedom to wear anything you want.  The vision that prompted this latest desire to grow my hair was Emmy Lou Harris.  She is my age, one month older, and has the most beautiful long, grey hair.  Why the hell not?  I have been determined to do this for about five years, but sadly never get past the "yuck" stages.  Will I succeed this time?  No clue, but with Dan telling me to hang on and...."just wear a lot of headbands"....I may get through the hideous stages. 

I have grown my hair before and guess what?  When I find myself tying it back all the time, I just cut it off.

As I have blogged, "We are our hair, ladies."   


  1. Is this a subtle message for me to cut off my hair??? Like you I have been natural for about
    10years. Problem is most people stop and ask me where I get my streaks done!! I usually answer God!!!! That completely blows them away.
    Before I got eye cancer I used to swim and after
    I would brush it back into a ponytail!!!! then
    came the elastic bands, bows,etc. Problem with lettting your hair grow is when it grows one inch too long you tend to put it back because it looks clean. I cut my hair two years ago and had bangs!! It looked fabulous as long as I did it every two days and had it cut every three weeks!!!! Yes, hair bands I have 44 at last count - I'll send them to you gladly. You look great anyway so whatever you do - well it's hard to improve on perfect is it not?? Hugs, just received the cross!!! you are so unique - as good as it gets.
    All the best, Barbara Ann MacMahon-Firestone

  2. I never understand the ladies that have long hair and wear it up. I love the feel of flowing hair and have only had my hair cut short once. I would be Lady Godiva if I could. Would like to see photos of you both with and without your hats. I like your straight forward opinions. Your friend calls you "unique" and my friends call me "unique". But it has nothing to do with my plain vanilla hair.
