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Thursday, July 19, 2012

What a crock

Following the recent gang killings in Toronto, a wave of interviews with "experts" has hit the ether.  Half listening to the radio last evening, I wheeled around from the kitchen sink and snapped to it when I heard one guy, Amrit Mukerjee, head of some association or other in that city, say, "There are many organizations that should be doing a lot more to help these kids and keep them out of gangs.  The schools, community organizations, social support networks, peer groups, the police...........they all have a role to play."

In his exhaustive list of where the buck stopped he did not mention.......wait for it.........hard to fathom.......the parents!  Not once.  That's how ridiculous things have become.  Parents have now been taken completely out of the equation for the behaviour of their kids -- up to and including killing people.

The very saddest chapter is that of the two people who were murdered, one was an innocent 12-year-old girl and the other was a 24-year-old honours grad in criminology.  The gang members escaped.  So tragic. 

1 comment:

  1. Couldn't agree more. It is pathetic what is going on - what about the PHD student in Colorado who went on a shooting spree in a movie theater?? Ban all guns as far as I'm concerned. However, people from Alberta, and
    the far North would not agree with me. I mean all guns should have to be licensed and accounted for at all times. There should be a record on all computers at all Police Stations of all people owning guns. Hand guns should be prohibited completely.
    Perhaps we need a good old fashioned War to smarten up all these young people going around shooting people in shopping malls, theaters. Yes, Where are the parents???????
