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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

More about hair

We went on an excursion yesterday.  Thought we were going to Turner Valley and Black Diamond, but ended up in Bragg Creek.  Oops!  All thanks to my bad navigating.  Nevermind, Bragg Creek is a gorgeous place.  Stumbled onto a great restaurant called "Infusion".  Sat outside and people-watched -- a favourite passtime.  A middle-aged couple arrived and the show began.

Firstly, she chose a table.  Then she didn't like it.  They had to be moved.  Then she didn't like that table, not enough sun.  They had to be moved.  Then she didn't like the seat she had chosen.  She moved again.  I mean, it was such a palaver!  She strutted around while her husband schlepped after her.  He was so hen-pecked he was practically dragging along the ground.

And the thing was, she was a dyed blonde.  That's what I mean about "we are our hair".  I think I have blogged before about dying hair blonde.  I think when a woman dyes her hair blonde, she has a personality transformation.  She becomes "a dyed blonde".

Sadly, with apologies, it's a universal truth.   


  1. I am a dyed blonde. I adore your posts. I have been surfing the web for about 2 years now trying to find someone who is not the boring stereotyped polite society type person. I started looking at the fashion blogs and no matter what anyone is wearing the comments are always "love your outfit" over and over. Then I started searching the comic blogs hoping I would find a Kathy Griffen or Rosanned Barr type who would just say what they mean. Could not find any blog that came close. I am not sure how I found your blog the other day but are like a breath of Fresh Air in the blogesphere.

    1. Glad you are enjoying my rants! Every day some new aberation presents itself for dissecting.
