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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Go fly a kite

So, the Quebec legislature has narrowly defeated a motion to ban the flying of the Canadian flag anywhere on the premises.  The PQ accuses the opposition of being "anti-Quebec" and"pro-Canada".  Geeze, last time I checked Quebec was still part of Canada and stealing bags of "equalization" money from the rest of us. 

It's appalling.  They have spent weeks on this debate, instead of trying to fix the broken province they are supposed to be governing.  And it's not as if our flag were waving in the legislature itself.  No, it's hidden away in the now defunct Red Chamber, which used to house the upper chamber.

The PQ are operating in a '60s time-warp twilight-zone.  Separatism is deader than a doornail.  Face it Pauline, you and your zombie friends need to get over yourselves.  Crawl back into your graves and let Quebec at least get into the '70s.   


  1. OMG. truer word were never spoken!!!!
    If I could afford it I would publish this in every Quebec Newspaper!!!
    You watch though, they shall try to Separate again!!!!!
    I'm so over them I wish they would. Like they can afford to publish their own money, We would need Passports to go there!!! What a pathetic laugh. The Indians own 75% of all Natural Resources in Quebec - so good luck to
    Pathetic Pauline!!!!

  2. Ahhh Quebec....Canada's capricious sibling,
    the one who flirts with attending law school one day only to loose interest and become a student of interpretive dance the next!
    How else can you explain voting in "Pathetic Pauline" in one election, then Montreal voting in an Anglo Jewish mayor the next?
    Jacques Pariseau, former Seperatist party leader, pretty much blamed the Jews (money vote) in ruining Quebec seperatism.
    Seperatism is certainly dead, but that won't stop the political weaklings from threatening and rable rousing the uneducated and ignorant.
    Enough already!
    Sooner or later, even the most patient parent is going to relent and give a good spanking!
