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Sunday, January 6, 2013

This is rich

Just listening to an interview with Stephen Lewis on CBC.  Here he is, blabbing on sanctimoniously about poverty and Africa and charity...and blah, blah, blah.  Folks, this is the same guy who pocketed a $10,000 fee a few years ago for speaking at a dinky, little Royal Commonwealth Society dinner. 

He agreed to speak and no mention was made of a fee because the RCS is a small, non-profit society, made up of little old ladies, high commissioners and other rickety old-world types.  It's not a big deal and we never pay anyone to speak -- no matter who they are.  But low and behold, in comes an invoice for $10,000! 


But Michael Enright is asking him a few hard questions, such as why he didn't work harder for native Canadians instead of for Africans?  And didn't he think he could have done more had he actually ever had real power?  And what would he have done with it? 

Obviously, he was unable to give credible answers.


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