"Your biggest virtue is your modesty," said the message in the fortune cookie at lunch. Well, not exactly. B's said, "What you think an obstacle is an opportunity." That fits him, mine does not...although I do think I have a proper "conceit" of myself, both good and bad.
We sometimes go to an authentic chinese restaurant in a mall not far from where we live. I say "authentic" because we are usually the only non-chinese patrons in the place. Today, however, there was another local family nearby........unfortunately. Mom and the two kidlets went for the buffet. About seven and nine, they both rushed up and filled their plates. After no more than two bites, the monsters got up and filled another two plates. Mom said and did nothing. A few minutes later, the kiddies were up for more. By the time they left, five plates sat there, missing about two bites each.
I found it sickening.
Wasting food was about the worst crime you could have committed in our household. I can vividly recall sitting in front of a piece of liver until 11 at night until I finally ate it. If you didn't eat what was on your plate, it reappeared for breakfast..........cold. Looking back, I think it was the right thing to do; I did the same with my kids.
Having gone hungry after the war in England, B hates it if I throw food out. Although I am a master with leftovers, now and then I have to toss something, but I do it when he doesn't see me.
Times have obviously changed.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
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