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Thursday, August 22, 2013

Proud Natives

My ex-husband gave me these beautiful Tom McNeely watercolour prints, which are perfect for Calgary.  Going to frame and hang them.  McNeely, born in 1935, is still alive and has done many, many watercolours depicting the history of Canada. 

I know I trash the natives because so often they deserve to be trashed, but they have -- or had -- a proud history which cannot be undone by the greedy leaders of today.

This blog is dedicated to my good friend "F", herself an absolutely beautiful status Indian.  It's also dedicated to my Mohawk great-grandmother and fore-bearers from the Tyendinaga Reserve outside Napanee, Ontario, with my never-ending gratitude for her having moved off-reserve to marry so I could enjoy a "normal" life as a proud Canadian................

Towik, Salish Indian, Northwest Coast

Shaniyuti, Kutchin Indian, Western Subarctic

Sistsawana, Piegan Indian, Plains

Atikwian, Naskapi Indian, Eastern Subarctic

Kakake, Potawatomi Indian, Western woodlands
Usugleg, Netsilik Eskimo, Central Arctic




  1. They are spectacular. You're very lucky to have them. I must research McNeely a bit. Thank you for the dedication Nancy.

  2. Just framed and hung them. Nearly drove myself insane making sure they were exactly level and in tight formation. Yikes!

    Yes, they are so beautiful! Will always remind me of the connection you and I have, Faye. Looking forward to getting together when you pass through.
