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Monday, September 16, 2013


So, another "mass shooting" in the US.  This time 13 people killed by someone who was...............whatever?!  And the "talking heads" on TV still defend the anyone-can-get-a-gun policy south of the border. 

It's sickening.

The NRA says, "Guns don't kill people, people kill people."  How dumb is that.  How many times have any of us been so incensed at some ridiculous moment that, had a gun been handy, we would have used it?  I can think of a few myself.  Quite a few. 

Guns kill people.   


1 comment:

  1. AMERICA WILL NEVER CHANGE, neither will Americans. They are so myopic, narrow, they would never dream to learn different languages except in California where Spanish is the second language. They hate Obama because he is BLACK!!! No other reason. They are going down the tubes financially. Look out for China, Russia, Germany, and India. that the future of your grandson.!!!
