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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Kudos to all my RevCan friends

I wasn't surprised at who was ranked number two, but number one?  The United States of America!  That one caught me off guard.  The US is the largest tax-evasion country in the world.  $337.3 billion was dodged by its crooked burghers, according to the latest figures.  Brazil came in second with $280.1 billion.

Also on the top ten were Italy, Russia, Germany, France, Japan, China, the UK and Spain.  No surprises there.  Canada?  Not even on the list, that's what a great job RevCan does and has always done.  With a few exceptions, the people I worked with during my years there were absolutely first-rate:  professional , knowledgeable and dedicated.

Of course, Canada has its fair share of cheats, we're just better at ferreting them out.  During a couple of summers while I was in university, in the days before computers, I worked for RevCan in the Blackburn Building at Bank and Slater in the filing tubs.  My job was to pull files for the collections officers and was truly shocked to see so many of my friends' parents in arrears.  Lots of them had money and lived in Rockcliffe, but I never regarded the same way after I caught them in my delinquent tubs. 

Your country can't operate if you don't pay your -- much to the chagrin of the Italians and the Spaniards.  Those countries don't function.  And I guess the reason Germany still functions well is because there is so much money there.  Come to think of it, the US does have a highly-functioning business/criminal underbelly in the form of Wall Street and industrial capitalists, for example. 

We used to target ethnic groups (quietly) when hunting for evaded or avoided taxes because many represent cultures that think it's a great victory and very clever to cheat the government out of its money.  Naturally, these were the same people who filled hospital wards expecting first-class health care and bitching if they didn't get it. 

Well, that's my rant for far.