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Wednesday, November 20, 2013


"I'm a New Yorker and I think it's terrible," said our hostess last evening.  She was referring to the fact that Americans have no clue about Canada in any way, shape or form, but have now perked up thanks to Rob Ford.  Heck, even CNN is doing specials on the lout. 

But it's very true, Americans are completely ignorant about Canada.  Except when a scandal erupts.  Our gracious hostess has lived in Canada for many, many years and raised four children -- or is it five?  Her husband served one of our prime ministers and his work took her to Ottawa and Washington.  They are lovely people and proud Canadians.  She is also the aunt of Brett -- the Hitman -- Hart, one of my favourite celebrities of all time.  I was secretly hoping he would be there last evening, but alas wasn't.  Ah well, I live in hope.............. 

Our hostess is a patriotic Canadian who is not proud of her native country at the moment.  Just watched a re-play of 'Jeopardy', a stupid show hosted by a Canadian, and when Alex Trebek asked who the current prime minister of Canada was, no one got it!  Amazing.  Reminds me of Texas friends we spent time with over many years at their island in the Gatineau Hills.  "You live in Canada five months of the year and you have no clue who the prime minister is!?" I said one evening to our hostess.  "Do you know who the premier of Quebec is?" I asked.  Of course not.  It's pretty outrageous how inward-looking and navel Americans are. 

It's amazing that CNN has covered the Rob Ford fiasco, but did not touch the greyhound-bus beheading of a few years ago outside of Winnipeg. 



  1. While I agree 100% that Americans are desperately unaware of anything beyond their own borders, as a citizen of both countries, I would like to be somewhat of an ambassador for my current homeland. It's not that Americans are not knowledgeable simply about Canada. They do not discriminate; they have little knowledge of *any* country other than their own.

    I believe that part of the reason is Americans do not need a passport to enjoy most every adventure the world has to offer. From snowmobiling to snorkeling, pine trees to palms, mountain climbing to the desert floor, everything can be done within these United States.

    Americans are very geo-centric. Education, current events and news broadcasts generally feature the goings-on within the fifty states, except when a horrendous tragedy occurs - and Americans are the first ones with their hands in their pockets to offer aid - or a novelty story like Toronto's Mayor.

    Sometimes, lack of foreign situations can be to their detriment, like this current ObamaCare debacle. Politicians in the U.S. may have learned from Canada, Britain or Australia that a National Health Service creates huge waste, fraud and increased taxes.

    I hope that you might be willing to concede that some Canadians harbor a grain of resentment towards Americans. The fact that Americans don't pay attention to Canada (or any other country) and that they don't know the capital city or the Prime Minister's name, makes the pea under the mattress seem even larger.

    In my opinion, Americans are the most friendly, outgoing, kind and generous people on earth... even if they're not very good at playing Trivial Pusuit.

    Happy Thanksgiving!!

  2. The only people more egocentric than Americans are Texans. They have no clue any other state exists. As to health care, yes, looking after the less fortunate costs all citizens a lot of money, but it is the only way a civilized society can be "civilized". I am surprised that an ex-pat Canadian, such as you, cannot see the benefit in a national health-care system.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you!
