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Tuesday, November 26, 2013


I wear it much more often than I used to, the diamond tennis bracelet my cousin left me when she passed in 2002 from ovarian cancer.  Way too young.  Her brother gave it me and I was overwhelmed.  "She wanted you to have it," he sweetly said. 

The clasp was iffy, so I took it to a jeweller.  "This is worth about $120," he said of the 43 fake stones which make it up.  "It's cubic zirconia."  I was shocked.  Many thoughts rushed into my head at that moment, the foremost of which was that she innocently always believed it genuine -- a precious gift from her husband.  She never took it off.  The other thought was, "What a cheapskate!  With his bags and bags of money, he gives her a fake bracelet."  What a jerk.   

I always knew there was something about him I didn't like.  A trophy wife, she deserved much more.  He quickly moved on and married another "trophy" -- one too many facelifts and WAY too skinny. 

I should have known that had it been real, he would never have given it me.  Never mind, I wear it all the time now because it brings me closer to her.     


  1. BArbara MacMahon-FirestoneNovember 27, 2013 at 8:52 AM

    I always write anonymous then put B - I think you know it is me. Sorry I thought you knew it is me and I enjoy
    reading it very much. Thank you for writing it.

  2. Of course I know it's you. In my earlier post, I was referring to people who are not followers, but who have the nerve to comment negatively on my blog instead of writing their own. You are a follower, so I enjoy your comments.
