How do you spell "politics"? M-O-N-E-Y, that's how. Symbiotic and interchangeable, money is politics and politics is money -- a sort of chicken-and-egg relationship.
This is obvious by Pauline Marois' latest move. By appealing to Big Oil to relocate in Quebec and start taking advantage of the "vast" undeveloped oil and gas resources to be found off-shore, Marois is trying to fill Quebec's coffers so she can fund her lunatic drive for separation.
Except that it won't happen for many reasons. A) the oil companies have no interest in dealing with that harridan and her crazy ideas, and B) the Indians have no intention of supporting separatism because guess from whose accounts they currently get their money? The Feds via the Indian Act, that's who. If Quebec were to separate, which it won't, Indian nations and tribes would find themselves straddling provinces -- and even countries -- with those trapped in Quebec abandoned by Ottawa and its legally-binding largesse. Do you actually think the Indians would go for this arrangement and willingly forfeit the Indian Act in favour of something Marois and her posse of thieves might dream up?
As if. The Indians, who never agree to anything, are the wild cards in Marois' plan. Remember Elijah Harper, chief of the Red Sucker Lake Band, elected to the Manitoba Assembly in 1981? He was the lone guy who waved his eagle feather in protest against the 1990 Meech Lake Accord and single-handedly managed to scuttle all attempts to have Quebec sign the amendment that would have ensured Quebec's signing on to the 1982 Constitution Act.
One Indian against Quebec. See, that's how it works. Harper's defiance and power defeated an entire country. Quebec has yet to sign on to Canada. Marois might want to channel the late Elijah Harper as she futilely plods her meaningless way to separation.
You may covet money Pauline, but it's all still politics.
Friday, February 14, 2014
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