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Sunday, December 7, 2014


A Chinook blew through here yesterday -- Calgary's answer to snow removal -- and I decided this was the perfect day to string the outside lights.  Rummaged through basement boxes and came up with them. 

Then the dummy in me took over.  I actually wrapped the front-yard tree in lights....without plugging them in first!  You know what befell me.  Yep, half of them didn't work.  Are we still in the stone age of lights, where if one blows they all die??!  So I grabbed a pair of scissors and cut them off the tree -- yes, I unplugged them first.  Was almost ready to schlep to 'Canadian Tire' for another set when I had a vague memory of more unused outdoor lights in some a black storage hole.  Back to the basement and presto, found them!  So, it's off to re-do yesterday's mess. 

After Mass today, went to an open house hosted every year by 'Ed William's Menswear', one of the few fine men's shops in this City-of-Jeans.  Always a classy affair, this year's was no different and I bought a couple of pressies for B.  It's lovely to see that men's socks are now both fashionable and arresting.  I mean, other than ties, what do men have that allows them to stand out??

It's a wine-and-goodies affair and the food is scrumptious.  Chatting with a man in the jacket department, I was gob-smacked when he pulled out a toothpick and started.........picking....his.......teeth!  While we were chatting!  And he seemed to think this was all perfectly fine.  Amazing! 

Welcome to Calgary, a city not far from the pasture. 




  1. I can't type in what I would like to say about the man and the tooth pick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There are new lights that never need to be changed!! The Shopping channel - they deliver for nothing!!!! Just saying!

  2. "Calgary, a city not far from the pasture." I love it!!

    Back in the eighties I dated a woman in the Toronto area who had the good sense to leave me. She moved out to Calgary and has done well for herself in banking, becoming a Branch Manager at a Bank of Missouri. (BMO)

    About a year ago at age plenty-nine, she got the hound-dog ugliest tattoo etched into the back of her calf. I reckon she's acclimated.

  3. Read a recent blog and I heartily recommend you watch "Indiscreet", with Ingrid and Cary. Loved every bit of this one -- the apartment, the art, the plot (delicious) and the beautiful Mr. Grant. Have watched it many times, which I never do. Did anyone ever wear a black tie as he? No.
