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Monday, December 22, 2014

He missed one

I'd put Shelagh Rogers at the top of any list of the top 10 most irritating people of the year.  Or how about "ever".  Globe and Mail columnist, John Doyle, ran his annual catalogue of his most annoying people this morning, but he definitely missed the hyper-irritatingly annoying Ms. Rogers, whose speech affectations rank with the best-of-the-best in phony mid-Atlantic accents.  Even the spelling of her name is an affectation.  But here are Doyle's choices:

1.  Ezra Levant....."his supremacy in irritating-ness is unmatched".
2.  Pastor Mansbridge...."inept and hugely irritating".
3.  The people behind Tim Hortons commercials....."the worst kind of Canadian cant".
4.  The people behind 'A message from the Government of Canada'...."irritating to think we are taken for fools".
5.  The people who are top CBC management...."the buck-passing and self-aggrandizing hand-wringing was an outrage".
6.  George Stroumboulopoulos.  This needs no explanation whatsoever. 
7.  Pierre Pollievre.  Neither does this. 
8.  Amanda Lang (she made it last year too) and Rudyard Griffiths on 'The Exchange'...."the bland, mindless, unfocussed chats are nonsensical and utterly bogus".
9.  Our Glorious Leader (OGL)...."announced himself to be in 'a different headspace' in a year-end interview.  We knew that".
10.  Me.  Doyle added himself, as apparently every year people rave at who he included and who he didn't. 

His immortals include Don Cherry and Kevin O'Leary, now in Doyle's Hall of Fame.  Shelagh needs to be added.  All good stuff as 2014 rolls away. 


  1. Whom does sir Doyle think he is????? Why is it so very intelligent and hip to trash everyone???? He should take a long look at himself first - the mirror would break!!

  2. We all know "annoying" people -- you too, my dear girl! I know of at least three on your list.
