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Thursday, September 27, 2012


That's the number of failed refugee claimants living underground in Canada with outstanding arrest warrants, "whereabouts unknown".  44,000.  Read it and weep.  I mean, this is Canada!  We only have 35 or so million people, but we have 44,000 in hiding?!  It's completely outrageous.

The House of Commons Public Safety Committee recently recommended that henceforth, failed refugee claimants wear electronic ankle bracelets to monitor those who fail to comply with removal orders.  Naturally, the "brilliant" official opposition NDP opposed the proposal.  "The government is steaming ahead with the expanded use of electronic monitoring," they ranted.  "We support the use of electronic monitoring only with high-risk offenders and only when it is paired with adequate programming," they added.  What does "adequate programming" mean?  Health care?  Housing?  Welfare?  You bettcha'!

"If failed claimants have not committed a criminal act, the use of electronic monitoring on immigrants and refugees is not reflective of Canadian values and not reflective of basic principles of international human rights."  Please.  They think that "basic Canadian values" means a free ride.  If the refugee claim is denied, guess what?  It means that they did not fit the United Nations refugee determination criteria.  So, leave Canada, apply as an immigrant and wait in line.

A number of years ago, our nephew tried to emigrate via proper channels from Scotland.  Couldn't do it.  Later, we tried to get B's mother here from Spain, but she was deemed a potential "drain on the health-care system".  Denied.  Yet 44,000 illegals are here draining away.      

The whole thing is ludicrous.        


  1. nancy we need Mark Carney for Prime Minister.
    Harper has been in too long - and we all know
    Power corrupts. He is selling us to China.
    Mark Carney would take care of these 44,000 ellegals. It is quite disgraceful.
    Stay well, B.

    1. No, we don't need Mark Carney. He was a hitter at Goldman-Sachs, the biggest fraud company going! Do you not know this is his background?! All the governor of the bank of Canada has to do is set interest rates. Period, the end. Hmmmm....should it be this or that?? Man, I could do that.

      He only deals with monetary policy, not fiscal. What the hell would he know about running a country?? Zero.

      But Justin would be a disaster. Too much like Margaret, eee gads!!!
