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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Hot water

You know when you turn on the hot water and it starts out hot(tish), but starts to run tepid?  "Is there no hot water?" you say, as you keep running it, convinced it will get hot again any minute.  But no.  After you run and run it until it is stone cold, you realize that, yes, there is no hot water.  Frig.

That was 10 p.m. last night.  So, down I go to retrieve the fridge magnet we got in the mail a while ago.  "Mr. Plumber, 24-hour service -- senior's discount!" reads.  Perfect.  I call.  "Well we certainly can't possibly send anyone out now," the guy says.  "So, it's not really 24-hours," I smart-assedly reply.  "Well, not tonight.  We'll be there before 10 a.m. tomorrow," he says.  So, that was that.

See, don't advertise something if it's not true.  But we did get the senior's discount, so that part was true.  It's amazing how we take water -- hot and cold running -- for granted.  Young girls are raped and murdered all over the world walking to the local well for water every day.  And when I say "local" I mean it's five or 10 kms away.  Not really "local". 

"The water in our toilets is cleaner than most of the world's drinking water," Father Henessey used to preach as we sat in our comfortable pews on Sundays, dying to escape the relentless homily and get home to our cocktails and lunch.

I also have to catch myself in the grocery store when I get pissed off at some old bag in my way.  Here I am in a grocery store bulging with food (the store that is, not I), my purse stuffed with the money to buy anything I fancy and I am in a bad mood.  What's wrong with me!? 

Man, we are very spoiled.    


  1. How do you know you received a Senior discount? What does it cost if you are not a Senior? Did you have to check out all the other plumbers to see is you really did get a discount or do you just trust it is not false advertising?

    1. I trust the guy and B googled prices, so we believed him. Maybe it's being "Canadian" or because he is a true-blue "Calgarian", but I don't think we were robbed.

  2. Great article again. By the by, dahling how about changing your hat - Fall has arrived we need new pictures of Thou.
