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Sunday, December 8, 2013

Ya see............

You can't play chess with Steven Harper.  Our Canadian Prime Minister has it totally covered.  What does he do?  Invites a bunch of former prime ministers and the leader of the opposition on his plane to fly to Nelson Mandela's funeral.

What a brilliant move. 

Brian Mulroney, Kim Campbell, Jean Chretien and Thomas Muclair will join the PM and his wife on the Royal Jet to Johannesburg.  How classy is that. 

He just takes the wind out of everyone's sails.  As I said, don't play chess with the guy. 


  1. before you get too excited... this story of Stephen Harper and the group he was a founding member of: The Northern Foundation. One of it's initial goals was to fight against the release of Nelson Mandela from prison, the end of Apartheid and our government's economic sanctions imposed on the white South African government.

  2. Nancy, you are dead on. Does not matter what he did in the past - most of us live in the present - and his move to invite former Prime Ministers, plus two Premiers, plus two former Governor Generals was positively brilliant and something Mandela would have done himself!!! It was Brian Mulroney who spearheaded
    the sanctions against apartheid - against Ronald Regan
    and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.
