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Monday, January 7, 2019


That would have been my response, had one of my kids told me they didn't like their new high school and told me I had to move back to Calgary so he/she could be with his/her old friends. 

I am amazed at the middle-aged women swimmers -- all better than I -- who are ruled by their kids?!  "Hi C, have you moved back to Calgary?" I asked a woman I used to swim with every day.  "Well, my daughter didn't like Invermere, so we moved back," she replied.  That's where the "So?" came out of my mouth this morning.  This woman has five kids from two -- or is it three -- fathers and one of them told this daughter she could move back to Calgary.  "Well, why doesn't she just live with him so you can live with your latest boyfriend in Invermere? I asked.  (Actually, I didn't add the "latest boyfriend" part, but that's what I thought.)  "He rents a basement room, so that won't work," she replied.  Boy, she must have financially hobbled the poor fathers for this to be his pathetic fate.  (BH, you know who this is.) 

Doesn't it all come back?  Karma has hit the charming C with a hard blow.

"F-ck off!  You and Dad have done nothing for me!!" recounted another of my women-friend swimmers.  She was talking about her 20-year-old son, whose girlfriend had broken up with him after two years.  This brat is apparently out-of-control, smoking weed non-stop (thank you Justin Trudeau) and "free" drinking.

"Kick him out of the house," I suggested.  "Oh, I can't do that, he has no resources," she replied.  That's when I uttered another "So?"  I had to do it, it was hard and made me cry every night for years.  In my case, all turned out well, but we'll see with these women.  But maybe they'll all stop talking to me in the lanes?   

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