"Dear Editor,
"In matters of Catholic faith, truth is not relative. Papal infallibility
is a fact – not necessarily because everyone agrees with it, but because there
is no higher authority in matters of Catholic faith than the Pope. There is no
appeal, therefore while holding the office, the Pope is by definition
“infallible” because he has the last word. This does not mean he has “the
truth” in matters of social justice, for example. He can express opinions and
perhaps exert influence, but he is not infallible in these arenas. The
cardinals who elect him are akin to the Supreme Court, but like it or not, the
Pope is the final word on the Catholic faith.
"Nancy Marley-Clarke"
This letter was published the other week. As you all know, many letters of mine find their way into The Calgary Herald -- mainly because, having been a writer all my life, I know how to compose them. Amazingly, today I received in the mail a big envelope with clippings and a letter from a senior Knight of Columbus, chastising me for my views. Apparently, it is unseemly for a woman to talk about the Pope and 'The Faith'. In some circles, women still lurk in the dark ages. Gag me.
This guy told me that a quick letter-to-the-editor could not possibly describe "papal infallibility" because learned scholars for centuries have been unable to do so in failed book-after-treatise-after-bull-after-thesis. Hey buddy, I've got news for you. I am on the right track.
Poor B, he has to deal with these guys whose wives are flattened doormats. Their idea of a "Ladies Appreciation Night" is either Chinese food, fish and chips, or pizza once a year. B and I organized an $85 black-tie dinner at The Ranchmen's Club the other week and many Fourth Degree Knights did not turn up to honour their long-suffering wives. "How about $84.99," one laughingly said to me in front of his dazed wife when I asked if he were going to take her. You could almost see the tread marks on her slumped back. It's appalling. These relics cannot comprehend that some Catholic women are well-educated, have opinions and speak them. The truth of the matter is that B was the one who explained "papal infallibility" to me. I finally got it.
Can you imagine anyone having the nerve to write to someone else, instructing them on what they can and can't write to the editor??!! It's beyond comprehension. Of course, he didn't write to the editor to refute me. Oh no, he'd never stand up, let his face hang out and be counted. This Mr. Knight of Columbus enclosed his email, evidently hoping I would engage in a dialogue. I won't. Next time I see the guy, he will be enjoying the back of my head.
Actually, the next time I saw him he got this: "Don't ever talk to me." And then he got the back of my head.