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Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Lon Chaney, Boris Karlof, Bela Lugosi.  Combine them and you have "Elsa", the mother of one of the 'Real Housewives of Miami'.  Watched it for the first time yesterday and this woman is hideous!  She has had way too many facelifts, eye jobs and lip pumps.  She is absolutely scary. 

This is another stupid show I should not watch.

1 comment:

  1. About a week ago I took a 'leap of faith' and canceled my cable TV subscription. I bought a tiny, $50 box at Wal-Mart and signed up for a Netflix subscription... $8/mo and the cost of an HDMI cable, I see everything I want... TV shows, PBS specials, BBC and movies galore, domestic and international, in full HD... something I've refused to give those crooks at the Cable TV company my good money for. Plus... commercial-free.

    Haven't once felt like throwing my shoe at the TV set. I should have done this MONTHS ago.
